Friday, 2 January 2009

ISRAEL - Jerusalem and the SOUK

Of course we wanted to go to Jerusalem for the historical and religious reasons, but come on just a little of me wanted to go to teh Souk.. so that's were we went first.. YIPPEE!!! It was bloody amazing!! absolutely everything I had imagined and more.. I was pretty good at haggling (came over all polite and British, but totally resolute - it worked like a charm)

sorry no time for vegetables. . . .

quick stop at the spices to buy some Chamomile.. at least that's what I think it said . . .

Not sure what spice these gentlement were selling, but I think they had probably smoked too much of it!

This was taken to be a sister companion to the chiffonier picture I took in Blackpool, earlier this year... Hamas style . . .
There were lots of good T-Shirts.. Gun and Moses was a nother goody, but this won hands down....

1 comment: said...

That is some market but do they really sell those rusty old keys (if that's what they are!)? J x