Saturday, 22 December 2007

London in a silly mood 22.12.07

Aunty Jen arrived from Wigan late last night, and although she was offered a trip to see the sun rise aong the South Bank, this idea was rejected. And what a sunrise there was. This was taken from jamie's bedroom window shortly after 8am.
After the early morning disappointment, we went to see Hairspray in Shaftesbury theatre. Jen and I decided to walk across from Waterloo.... the sun was very low and dull and the clouds heavy.. but still there was a certain madness in the sky.....

And I am afraid that is where the sense ends... It was a very grey day, the sun was strange and a sort of madness took over. I can only apologise for the next few photos... Some I like and some .. well they made me laugh at myself! Can you guess which category the first falls into??

The sky was most peculiar today, maybe this accounts for my strange mood?? It was particularly violent over Westminster Bridge

Three somewhat different views of the London Eye... sorry really can't stop the silliness today

This one was over exposed, but actually I like it... I may be mad, but I like it

More of those pesky stormtroupers, although now they seem to be growing in numbers. Here they stand guard over the

Between the Hungerford Bridge and The London Eye is a little Merry-go-Round which is always very busy, I stopped a moment and continued on my silly theme

1 comment:

debbie said...

great photos, even if you were feeling silly,,