Friday 28 December 2007

Ice Skating at the Tower of London

The day of torture had finally arrived, and if you are going to be tortured, where better than at the Tower of London. I am sure that if Mary had put Princess Elizabeth in Ice skates back in teh sixteenth century and made her shuffle around for an hour on a cold wet rink in the moat, then confessions would have abounded, and who knows we could all be Spanish speaking Catholics to this day?!

Well obviously I didn't take this photo, but just to prove that I was shuffling around with Tom.. actually I am holding on for dear life. You can see by the look on my face just how much I am enjoying this special annual treat!

Wheras, I did take this picture.. and Jamie was loving it. He has asked to go twice next year??!!

This was how the moat looked as we left, I didn't paricularly appreciate it at the time, as I was trying to determine whether I would ever walk again, however on reflection it looks very pretty.

and of course, a quick snap of Tower Bridge.. how did you know that was coming??

The view taken from the Tower, I wished I could meander along with my camera, but the children were cold, wet and tired... not to mention crippled after being squeezed into their dayglo orange boots.

3 comments: said...

You loved it really and yes I too think you should go twice a year at least. Looks like your day was not as wet as ours! J xx

debbie said...

How Fab does that look a mum enjoying the company of her boys on the Ice.. I think you should take it up as a hobby Anya..

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.