Saturday, 21 June 2008

Borough Market

Today I visited the busy Borough Market . . . . . What a wonderful place. Not really ideal for taking photographs as there are so many people squeezing around, but what a place to shop. Supermarkets will never seem appealing again. I may not have come home with the best set of photos, but I have a rucksack full of delicious salami, cheese, olives etc etc etc

This was a rather intriguing sausage stall. . .

Yummy, this gentleman's salami is absolutely delicious . . . .

These looked far too exotic for me!

But I snaffled some of his olives. . .

and then wished that I had waited until I found these. . .

I rather liked this stall, but there was too long a journey home on a hot sweaty tube to have some fish...

Everyone knows that I absolutely abhor tomatoes. . .

and they are obviously in season at the moment!

I'm also not that keen on asparagus, although it looked pretty inviting on this stall. . .
carrots, now these I do like. . . .

Anyone seen a sliced white?? (Yuk, I do apologise!)

ah, now this is much more my style . . .

and this stall was simply intriguing!

Some of the cheeses were just amazing, but I couldn't capture them well at all. This was my best effort, and was not of the most attractive stall.. and is rather the best of a bad lot!

1 comment: said...

Love the market pbotos, why haven't I been there? Also notice the 'about me' update, pleased to hear you are at last leaving the housework for another day. Much better for you to be outside with your camera! Aren't you glad you bought one? J x