Sunday, 20 July 2008

London Wetlands.... babies, babies, babies!

Decided to visit the Wetlands for an hour this morning to see the ducklings, and also to practise. I have been feeling very dispirited with photography recently, particularly at the Hawk Conservancy yesterday. I decided to go and just take photos, not to take clever pictures or anything special... I was happier at the end of my hour there, but still feel that there is a very long way to go. . .

The Swans are very possessive of their cygnet so I kept well away....

but caught up with them at the nearby pond. The cygnet is feeding himself well now.. much more grown-up than on my last visit.

I do like mallards, especially the blue-marked ones. .. .

Like I said, there were lots of ducklings . . . .

and an old-favourite was having a bath!!

but not as energetically as this young man!

and I took this back on the way to the carpark!

1 comment: said...

Nothing wrong with your photos, they are as good as they always are! When did you say you were due for some new specs?? J xx